
Build your workflows

To create a workflow, you need actions. but what are actions? In short, Actions are tools used to manipulate the documents placed into it.

Any workflow starts when you add a file into a workflow and finishes when all the workflow actions are successfully executed, offering simple, essential workflow automation features without all the unnecessary clutter. 

Build Your Workflow Actions
Uploading to the cloud

Save time, costs and storage space with Willow360

Forget about dusting off old folders or painstakingly flicking through years and years of paper documents. With Willow360, you can automatically upload all your important, approved documentation to the cloud in seconds. 

So whether it's Dropbox or Google Drive, you and your colleagues can focus your time on what really matters by keeping your approved projects in safe, secure and easily accessible cloud storage. It's quick, effective and also reduces your print costs which in turn helps lower your company's carbon footprint. 

Flexible Signage

Signing off in style

All sorts of projects and processes require documentation to be signed, sealed and delivered to get things moving, but waiting for a person's signature can be time consuming and not always cost-effective, especially when workflows require input from multiple people working in different locations. Luckily, Willow360 lets users save digital signatures, stamps, certifications and written signatures, meaning digital documents can be opened, signed off and stored to the cloud in a matter of moments.

Willow360 provides a faster, simpler and environmentally friendlier way of getting your workflows finalised. 

Customise your documents

Edit files to suit your workflow

Willow360 makes sure that even with it's fast, super seamless automation, users still have full control of their documents from beginning to end. 

Perhaps you're sending a page for someone to approve but want to hide a specific section with important, sensitive or highly confidential information. What should you do? Well with Willow360, your automated workflow also comes with a Redact tool, so you'll never have to worry about sensitive files and data falling into the wrong hands. 

Alternatively, if you'd prefer to direct a person's attention to a specific part of the document and speed up the process, you can highlight any part of your document via Willow360's Highlight tool. Simple.

Key Actions

Unique Features

Approve Action


Request manual approval of the file.

e-Sign Centre Action


Interactively add a signature to a document and digitally sign it for security.

Create Booklet Action

Create Booklet

Convert document into booklet format

Email Action


Email file directly from your workflow.

Divide Booklet Action

Divide Booklet

Divide booklet format document to regular pages.

Custom Task Action

Custom Task

Perform a manual task.

End Cases

Upload to

Upload to SharePoint Action

Upload to SharePoint

Upload to SharePoint cloud storage.

Upload to Action

Upload to OneDrive

Upload to OneDrive cloud storage.

Upload to Google Drive Action

Upload to Google Drive

Upload to Google Drive cloud storage.

Upload to Dropbox Action

Upload to Dropbox

Upload to Dropbox cloud storage.

Sign off your automated documents


e-Signature Action


Automatically add a wet signature to a document.

Digital Certificate Action

Digital Certificate

Add a digital certificate to document.

Stamp Action


Add stamp to documents through processes.

Watermark Action


Apply watermark to document.


Customise your document

Highlight Action


Highlight key parts of document text.

Redact Action


Obscure sensitive information.

Merge Action


Merge multiple documents into one.

Split Action


Divide a document into multiple documents.