How it works

Understanding Willow360

Willow360 fully automates your workflows and document processes for a seamless flow of information between business departments. Built with simplicity in mind, Willow360 optimises and automatically manages your common work tasks. This reduces work life stress and increases efficiency by allowing you to instead focus on the work that drives valuable output.

Take a deep dive into the mechanics of Willow360, the ins and outs of the product and how every automated workflow can be used to suit your own individual needs.

Working with Willow360 Simple Workflows
The Willow360 Workflow

What is an automated workflow?

Other than a total lifesaver to many businesses, a workflow is a series of actions that manipulate the files placed into it. Once your file is put into a workflow, the actions are automatically executed one by one until your custom-made workflow is complete. A workflow is simply what happens from when a file is added to when your selected actions have been successfully executed.

The great thing about using Willow360 workflows isn't just that they save companies time, money and energy that could be spent on more productive and rewarding tasks, it's the fact that unlike so many complicated automated workflow solutions, anyone can set up and start benefitting from Willow360 in a matter of minutes, it's that easy.

Building up a Workflow


Simply put, Actions are the building blocks of any workflow, deciding what happens to your document, getting it seen, signed, and delivered to the right people and storing it safely to the cloud. 

Each action equals one less time consuming task to worry about. From automatic Stamps, Watermarks, Renaming or Uploading to a cloud drive, Willow360's extensive and ever-growing list of automated actions gives users a much needed break from monotonous, time-consuming but absolutely essential work processes. 

See our full list of Workflow actions here…

Willow360 Actions

Willow360 Workflow Example
File upload options

Ways to upload files to Willow360

Inbox Cloud Uploads

Inbox Uploads

There are several ways that files can be added to the Willow360 inbox ready for processing. Web uploads can be added via the Upload button or directly dragged to the list. All file types up to 100MB can be added.

Workflow Actions Upload

Workflow Actions

These are dragged directly to the Workflow Tile and as long as the file is valid, it triggers a Job to be created and the workflow will start processing it immediately. 

Email Cloud Upload

Email Upload

Once a user sends an email containing files to an inbox all of these files are collated into one group and are shown in the Recently Added list. 

Scan Cloud Upload

Scan Upload

Files can also be scanned (if hardware allows) and forwarded directly to Willow360. These will again appear in the Recently Added items showing how many files have been scanned. 

In the loop

Stay up to speed with Willow360 notifications

Congratulations! Your workflow is up and running and your file has started it's stress free, 100% automated journey to completion. However, you may be thinking to yourself: “what do I do now?"

How can you be completely sure each step of the workflow is being dealt with accordingly by the right people? Well because Willow360 will notify you every step of the way of course!

As soon as you load up Willow360, if there's something to be done, you'll get a notification to tell you about it on your home screen. Even better, you can direct notifications straight to your desktop.